Monday, April 10, 2006

The Week that is Greek

Greek week is (finally) over... as much fun as it was i am glad that it's over and we can get back to normal life... the events were pretty fun and delt did alright... the two events that i was involved with went fairly ok as well.. our pyramid was by FAR the most badass one as we were the highest of all and looked TIGHT... our top guy stood up on top and busted out a tape measurer and dropped it to the ground... 13 feet!!! i was the only one that hit the rope when we crawled to the pyramid tho hahah so i kinda screwed up... but what are you gonna do?! then the next day rope pull was tight... zebe has it down to an art and it wasn't even a challenge... i coached our team and we ended up losing in the second round to SAE... AGAIN... it was a tight pull tho cuz we went to 5 overtimes and pulled for 16 minutes... which is INSANE... ended up losing and were really sad... but what are you going to do.. for not trying at all again this greek week we still got 7th... our you! ng guys are all pumped about next year... but then again... so were we! let's see how living with a phi psi will affect my involvement with delt after i graduate haha...